Anne Klein Women's Award 2019

The 2019 award winners: Kristina Hänel, Natascha Nicklaus and Nora Szász

The three German doctors Kristina Hänel, Natascha Nicklaus and Nora Szász received the Anne Klein Women's Award for their tenacious defence of women's right to information.

The two gynaecologists and the general practitioner were reported for allegedly advertising abortions. This is judged to be a violation of §219a of the Criminal Code in Germany. All three refuse to remove the information about their medical services from their websites. They are engaged in a legal and public battle for women's free right to information and for the abolition of §219a StGB, which could be taken all the way to the Federal Constitutional Court.

The compromise of the coalition factions that emerged at the end of January 2019 does not bring real legal certainty: the mistrust against doctors has not been fundamentally eliminated and the entry into the decriminalisation of women and doctors has unfortunately not yet been achieved. Article 219a violates the fundamental rights to freedom of profession and information, the right to self-determination of patients and the principle of equality. The jury acknowledges the doctors’ courage not to give in like many others, but to fight a fundamental issue affecting all women, regardless of whether women want to make use of this right or not.

Kristina Hänel, Natascha Nicklaus and Nora Szász show in an exemplary way how civil courage can counter the systematic attrition tactics of the right. They are thus a role model for everyone, especially for young women.

Award ceremony

Anne-Klein-Frauenpreis 2019 an Kristina Hänel, Natascha Nicklaus und Nora Szász - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung

video-thumbnail Watch on YouTube
Anne-Klein-Preisverleihung 2019

The award winners so far

Anne Klein Women's Award 2018 to Jineth Bedoya and Mayerlis Angarita

Anne Klein Women's Award 2017 to Nomarussia Bonase

Anne Klein Women's Award 2016 to Gisela Burckhardt

Anne Klein Women's Award 2015 to Nebahat Akkoc

Anne Klein Women's Award 2014 to Imelda Marrufo Nava

Lepa Mlađenović - winner of the Anne Klein Women's Award 2013

Nivedita Prasad - Winner of the Anne Klein Women's Award 2012

Information about the Anne Klein Women's Award

In honour of Anne Klein the Heinrich Böll Foundation has created the Anne Klein Women’s Award. Anne Klein, a dedicated lawyer and openly lesbian politician, has been a pioneer of feminist causes. She served as the first feminist Women’s Senator in Berlin’s state government. The prize is annually awarded to women who have shown exemplary commitment for making gender democracy a reality. The award is endowed with 10.000 €.

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